Millennials on Money: ‘Trust No One’

Millennials are worried about their finances, really worried, but feel they have nowhere to turn for guidance. A new survey shows that 1 in every 4 people say they trust no one when it comes to financial advice but 1 in every 3 say that they trust their parents. So that’s a start!

The survey even said they trust moms more then they trusted their fathers, which is an interesting statistic. A millennial is defined as anyone from 1980s-1990s whom the survey was targeting. When asked a series of questions the results were interesting, as there seems to be more pressure on the millenials who barely have any money saved for retirement and are coming out of college with $40,000 plus in college debt.

So, what is the solution to this money madness? Well, it’s simple. The millenials should be looking for assistance and finding someone in their life that they trust with their finances whether it be a parent or a bank. They need to have someone as their rock to help them make wise decisions. It is not always easy as the economy is up but the job market remains competitive.

The best bet in this situation? Ask for guidance and remember to save for your future. What you do now will affect how you live your life in the future!

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8 years ago