President Trump Delays Auto Tariffs Amid Trade Talks

Image Credit: Reuters/Carlos Barria

President Donald Trump has decided to delay auto tariffs for six months as trade talks between the US, EU, and Japan continue.

Trump’s prospective 25% tariff on all auto and auto part imports would decidedly be one of the most serious trade actions taken during his presidency. The decision to delay the tariffs (or quota restrictions) on autos and auto parts was made with the caveat that the US will maintain the right to impose them after six months. In the meantime, the Trump administration will pursue new trade deals with both the European Union and Japan. Trump has been considering a 25% tariff on autos and auto parts from the EU, Japan, and other foreign suppliers under a law which allows a US president to create trade restrictions for the purpose of protecting national security.

The six-month delay will certainly avoid worsening the stock markets, which are currently still hurting from the recent escalations in the trade war with China. A decision on this matter will have to be reached in November, when Trump will have to decide whether or not to impose a tariff which is similarly controversial to his decision to apply tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. The decision to apply tariffs on steel and aluminum products was made under the same law, which sites national security.

Last Friday, the US, Canada, and Mexico reached a deal to remove the steel and aluminum duties placed on the latter two. The White House is currently also looking to produce a new North American trade agreement to replace NAFTA.

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5 years ago
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