PLANeT Partnership Launches First Meatless Snack

Credit: Unsplash

Beyond Meat and PepsiCo have released their first joint venture.

Since uniting last year, Beyond Meat and PepsiCo’s joint plant-based snack and drink venture, PLANeT Partnership, has been quietly working in the background to develop their first major product launch. Yesterday, the companies announced that the first product was complete and ready for a public launch.

The very first product of the PLANeT Partnership is Beyond Meat plant-based jerky. The jerky comes in a typical snack bag, and comes in regular, teriyaki, and hot & spicy flavors. The jerky is 100% meatless, composed instead of the same plant proteins that Beyond Meat uses in its other products, cooked and spiced in a way to mimic the taste and texture of beef jerky.

Back in February, Beyond Meat’s CEO, Ethan Brown, teased the creation of the jerky during an earnings call. “We have a major product, which I actually have in my hands right now and I’ve been snacking on during the call,” Brown said at the time. “That took an enormous amount of time and energy to get ready, and it’s a fantastic product.”

The purpose of the PLANeT Partnership is to give Beyond Meat access to Pepsi’s considerable resources to deepen and diversify their plant-based product line, while also giving Pepsi a quick through-line into the plant-based food industry, which is still on a major upward trend.

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2 years ago