McDonald’s Is Latest Company Planning On Going Green

With personal health and environmental concerns in the forefront of our society, businesses are forced to adapt to meet the needs of consumers. In order to keep up with consumer demands, more and more companies are going green. McDonald’s announced it will be green by 2025, though the chain started focusing on waste reduction efforts 25 years ago. That means all of its food and drink packaging will be recyclable and renewable, as compared to about half of it being recyclable currently.

Currently, McDonald’s only offers the option to recycle at 10% of its 37,000 plus locations, and wants to make that a viable option at all locations. But, the fast food chain isn’t stopping at recycling options for its customers. It is also working to make sure that ideology gets implemented behind the counters, as well. As of right now, 90% of the cooking oil and cardboard behind the counter gets recycled.

McDonald’s isn’t completely wasting products, as is. The powerhouse food chain is already using 64% certified recycled materials for current paper and cardboard products and will be eliminating foam products by 2018. It appears the chain is making some major improvements to become even more eco-friendly in the coming years.

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7 years ago