Amazon Donates $2 Million to Seattle School Programs

Amazon has given a grant of $2 million to Seattle’s local education fund, the Alliance for Education. This grant will go towards the creation of a special fund for impoverished students named the “Right Now Needs Fund.”

According to current financial and demographic statistics, at least 1/3 of children in Seattle public schools are affected by poverty. These students are in low income families and cannot afford all of the supplies they need to get the most out of their schooling. The Right Now Needs Fund is a flexible fund that allocates money to these students for the sake of school-related necessities. This includes things like school supplies (notebooks, pens, calculators, etc.), but can also be used on things like rain coats and food for long weekends when school lunch isn’t an option.

The funds from Amazon’s grant will be dispersed over the next two years based on student need, with schools with a higher impoverished student population receiving additional support. Teachers and principals hope that the money can reduce the opportunity gap between impoverished students and the rest of the student population and give them the opportunity to learn and grow that they deserve.

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6 years ago
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