An Honest-to-Goodness Dream Job?

Does the dream job exist? Who knows, but yacht reviewer is probably up there.

Apparently, yacht reviewers are paid $1,300 per week to stay aboard yachts and provide reviews for various companies.

There is more than one dream job out there, of course. Despite this, there are many unique or niche opportunities to work in exciting places for decent amounts of money. As far as reviewing yachts goes, there are a few real opportunities out there. If you want to review yachts for companies, you don’t need meet any specific educational requirements and you don’t even need to have any experience working or even being on a boat! is the company behind these yacht reviewer job offerings.

Regardless of what you’re looking for in a dream job, there are plenty of exciting jobs out there, if you’re willing to look and move around. Seasonal work can be excellent, and it can pay you quite well, too! Think about positions such as ‘ski lift operator,’ or places such as camp grounds or golf courses. These places go through serious seasonal changes, and they often need a lot of people to help them make their business season a success. If you yourself are quite the explorer, there are plenty of opportunities to be a guide for others, so long as you are willing to go out and explore with others.

Of course, your dreams are subjective and different from others. You don’t need to like yachts or the outdoors in order to get the ‘dream’ job. For most, the dream job is one that allows them to be themselves and play on their strengths to the greatest extent. For some introverts, this can include jobs which are either creative or mechanical and allow you to spend more time working alone. For some, the dream job might be a reviewer of yachts, and so on and so forth.

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5 years ago
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