These American Cities Have the Most High-Paying Job Openings

Sadly, we do not live in Jobland, where jobs grow on jobees. It can be extremely difficult and time consuming to find a good position, with strong-paying, reliable salary. That being said, part of your problem might be a poor geographical placement. Some cities are home to more plentiful and profitable positions than others. If you’re on the hunt for a good job, look for positions in these five cities.

  1. Los Angeles. This place is home to some really fancy positions like EVP Licensing and regional account executive. You know what they say, if your friends don’t know how your job works, you can tell them whatever you want.
  2. Boston. It’s a bustling city with a least 13,000 jobs ready for whoever wants them. Just don’t eat the deep dish pizza, it’s not as good as New York’s.
  3. Washington D.C.: Lots of managerial and executive positions around here. Over 17,000, to be precise. Hey, it’d be weirder if our nation’s capital wasn’t a hub of commerce.
  4. New York City. Ah, I love the city. There’s jobs around every corner in this place. What may seem like a teensy office out of an alleyway may just house a prominent company’s home office. Little spatial tricks like that are how this city offers over 20,000 positions.
  5. San Francisco. This place is a modern wonder, with all sorts of modern, high-paying positions (a good 29,000 of ’em). Remember, though, rent is pretty high here, so you’re gonna need at least a great paying job to even hang around.
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5 years ago
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