Most of us have at least one credit card, and as the price of credit rises, so do the perks you get for your money. Make sure you know which cards come with specific benefits to take advantage of deals and be the smart shopper your Instagram says you are.
Credit Card Perks
Price Protection If you buy something then find it for a lower price later, your credit card company will refund the difference. Know which of your cards come with this feature before you buy that big screen for watching Project Runway marathons!
Guaranteed Returns Policy Let’s say you get buyers remorse but the last day for returns has already past, with this feature you can return an item purchased on the credit card for a much longer period of time.
Cell Phone Replacement Insurance Ever crack, break or loose your phone? It happens to the best of us. Most cards will shell out up to 200 or 250 dollars per cell phone and get you snapchatting again in no time!
Extended Warranty Policy If it’s a bigger ticket item that get’s damaged like – we shudder to think – you laptop, some credit card company’s have got you covered with an extended warranty policy that that oftentimes double or triples the manufacturer’s warranty.
Roadside Assistance That’s right, even when you run out of gas on the side of the road and need some emergency assistance to get you where you’re going or need to be towed, credit card company offer hundreds of dollars in savings.
You could save from $500 to $2,000 a year just by knowing what features your credit cards include. So be smart and know what perks come with your plastic!