A Personal Trainer Right In Your Ear

The Revolutionary Fitness Coach Earbuds

Staying healthy is just plain hard…between our on-the-go lifestyles, work, family, hobbies and more, it’s not always easy to find the right fitness regimen. Some of us don’t like the whole show off gym scene, others don’t have time for a gym workout…whatever the reason may be, people need easier ways to work out and stay in shape.

Well, enter Vi. Vi is a virtual personal trainer, that lives in a pair of headphones. These headphones can do more than just motivate you to work out, they know your goals and can read your body’s rhythms to show you progress and updates.

Vi can target your ideal heart rate zone, analyze your brain and body for certain patterns, and of course give you numbers like calories burned and distance ran/walked/biked. It will also map out short term and long term performance to ensure you hit your personal goals. The device uses bluetooth, and you can still listen to music and make calls while using it.

This new technology runs for around $200 and can be found on Amazon.

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7 years ago
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