Find Your Life Goals Before Your Career Goals

Change Your Life Not Your Job

The old adage, “if the plan doesn’t work, changes the plan, not the goal,” rings true with ReWork CEO Nathaniel Koloc’s latest statement for Business Insider. Instead of changing your job, change your life.

It’s easy to get excited when different job opportunities come across your board, especially with the rise of the entrepreneur spirit. But, according to Koloc, one should first establish what they want in life before even addressing a career goal. Then, you take the proper career steps that align with said life goal(s).

In finding your life goals, great questions to ask are, “what do I want in life?” Or, “where do I see myself in five years? What about 10 years?”

Another way to help this life goal orientation is to conduct what experts call ‘life design interviews.’ In short, these interviews are conversations with individuals who have similar life goals. You can discuss career goals as well as what a day in their life looks like.

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7 years ago
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