Robocallers Take a Hit

In good news in the fight against robocalls, the FTC has closed some major robocalling operations.

In a formal complaint written by the FTC, the fake calls were centered around multiple schemes.

One of the operations that is now shut down is netdotsolutions, which was responsible for one billion robocalls per year. The second operation shut down was Higher Goals Marketing, which launched robocalls offering debt relief solutions, while rarely delivering on its promises. Another operation taken down down was a fake charity launched by Veterans of America in order to get people to donate their valuables. Veterans would then proceed to sell off the donated items, including cars.

There are still more operations on the chopping block, as the FTC reports that Pointbreak Media made calls falsely claiming to be partners with Google. The company would use its false partnership with Google to offer help with search engine results, a promise the company was incapable of delivering.

As public sentiment worsens against robocalls, it is likely that more operations will be shut down, while tighter controls are established.

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5 years ago
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