Our Complicated Relationship With Technology

Image Credit: Live Science

At this point, it’s safe to say that heavy reliance on technology isn’t something we can avoid.

Those who are growing up today will be even more connected through technology than we already are, but not everyone is so happy about the current state of tech.

Communication technology has improved the speed at which we can communicate insurmountably. It has also provided a brand new window for business and entrepreneurship, helping spread wealth and information all around the world. At the same time, most people need a break at some point. Nearly all Americans (97%) say they have been frustrated with their tech, while over 80% experience this frustration on a daily basis.

The annoyances that people go through with their tech are fairly self-explanatory. It just takes a lot of time that people would rather spend… well, on their tech. Over 40% of Americans said they spend more than 10 minutes on each tech issue that pops up. Wi-fi connections are another issue entirely, and over 80% of Americans were frustrated with Wi-fi issues.

If you’ve ever lost your temper and unleashed your fury on a device that just wasn’t doing its job, you’re not alone. Almost 60% of Americans have thrown an offending device after reaching their breaking points. Of these incidents, 55% of them threw their devices so hard that they broke.

Lastly, about 75% of Americans see the smartphone as a frustrating device. It looks like we have a long way to go, or likely we will move on to new tech and find new things to be frustrated by.

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5 years ago
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