Morgan Freeman & The Bee Business: What’s Going On?

Apart from his decades-long career in acting, Morgan Freeman has a hobby that many people don’t know about.

What’s particularly interesting about Freeman’s hobby is that it works to avoid a problem that could have devastating effects on our planet.

Morgan Freeman has been practicing the dying art of beekeeping during the last five years. He created a bee sanctuary on his Mississippi ranch in order to provide a safe haven for the honey bees, which have been on a serious global decline for decades. Freeman had two dozen hives brought in for his 124-acre ranch, which he covered in bee-friendly vegetation. The superstar has also made several televised appearances where he discussed the need to save honey bees.

Honey bees are a critical component for global agriculture, and there are countless plant species that rely on them for pollination. Unfortunately, pesticides and habitat destruction have caused the global bee population to decline at an alarming rate. Should honey bees become extinct, there will be massive consequences for the environment and global agriculture.

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5 years ago