Holiday Season Hacks

Avoid Holiday Budget Blunders!

When any holiday season approaches, you get in a cheery mood, shop around the stores, and start adding people to your list! Come on, we all do it.

But, don’t worry we have a solution for you so you can put away some extra money during any holiday season.

  1. Make a list and check it twice: When shopping its easy to remember all your distant aunts and uncles that you have but wont even see during the holiday time. Remember, you should always make a list before you go to the store and be sure to stick with it.
  2. Trade Christmas cards for free e-cards: Believe it or not this is the new trend. Everyone has a computer and has internet. We use e-mail more now then ever before. So, that being said, you should be sending e-cards instead of spending money on buying and sending old fashion cards. It’s a thing of the past!
  3. Shop price, not sale: Whenever you see a sale sign, be sure to stay far far away. It is easy to get caught up in the for sale signs and all of a sudden you find yourself with 10 x more items in your cart then you originally had. If you pay the regular price you will be less likely to spend on other items.
  4. The gift of memories: Make sure the gift is something memorable. A lot of times people get random gifts for family and friends and they just end up in a box in the attic, which makes it a waste of, your money, which you could of, spent on something else. Be wise when shopping.
  5. Remember the reason for the season: It is so easy to get caught up in the holiday spirit, but you have to remember that you’re on a budget so you have to be wise. Remember the reason for the season isn’t about giving gifts; it’s about spending time with family and friends.
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9 years ago