Another Key To Business Success: Asking Questions

Among the keys to business success, one of the most critical is often overlooked. We all know that in order to succeed, you must be willing to learn and adapt. Despite this, most people hold an irrational fear of embarrassing themselves by looking dumb. However, as many of those successful in business will tell you, asking the stupid questions is an integral part of the process.

According to Pippa Murray, founder and CEO of Pip & Nut, knowing when to reach out and ask for advice played a key roll in her success. In fact, she argues that knowing when and how to ask these questions is a skill set unto itself. Now her company is the fastest-growing nut butter brand in the UK. New trends have played a key roll in the business’s success, but figuring out how to take advantage of trends also takes work and requires searching.

So the next time you think you are about to embarrass yourself by asking a silly question, remember that you’re usually doing yourself a disservice. Learn how to get the answers you need when you are trying to improve your business, and let those who have walked the same path help you out.

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5 years ago
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