Uber’s New Underwater Venture

Image Credit: Travel Daily Media

Uber’s budget problems may be holding them back from reaching profitability, but it certainly isn’t keeping them from the ocean.

A pun that was meant to remain as such has become a reality, as Uber has launched their ScUber underwater ride-hailing service.

So, do you need to get somewhere, but that “somewhere” happens to be underwater? That’s fine, ScUber has you covered, as long as you can afford it. ScUber is actually a partnership between Uber and Tourism & Events Queensland. ScUber will be used to take pairs of passengers down to Australia’s greatest underwater attraction, the Great Barrier Reef. The fun part is that you would order this underwater Uber through the normal Uber app. There are a few differences between a ScUber, and say, an UberXL or UberBLACK, however. A ScUber will take you on a trip based on a flat fee and distance charges.

The Uber app can now take you to the Great Barrier Reef for a rate starting at AUD $1,500 per person. This is rather pricey, but Uber is donating $100,000 to Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef as a part of the project. Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef works towards preserving the reef’s delicate ecosystem, which currently faces several serious threats.

If you’re keen to go down under in the land down under, you should consider planning ahead now. ScUber will take its last dive on June 18th. ScUbers travel from Heron Island and from Agincourt Reef off of Port Douglas.

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5 years ago
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