Sugary Drinks Are Worse For Your Health Than Previously Thought

A massive new study involving over 100,000 people has revealed a serious link between drinking sugary drinks and contracting cancer.

The study, conducted by the British Medical Journal (BMJ), revealed that sugars you drink from many different beverages may increase your risk of developing cancer.

The study provides fresh new evidence that drinking sugar either in sweetened tea or coffee, or even in 100% fruit juice, isn’t good for you. The study followed 100,000 healthy adults, providing a pool of evidence large and clear enough to demonstrate that it doesn’t matter how healthy your lifestyle is. Simply put, it doesn’t matter who you are, if you drink natural or artificial sugar, you’re more likely to get cancer than someone who opts for sugar-free beverages. “The results regarding fruit juices may be surprising because fruit juices have a healthy image,” lead study author Mathilde Touvier told Business Insider.

The results of the study were published on and accounted for many differences. These differences include age, family history, education, physical activity, whether or not they’re on birth control, and more. The final results demonstrate that drinking more sugar was the deciding factor in who tended to get cancer. The final result is not that sugar causes cancer, but that the association between drinking sugary drinks and getting cancer are “significant.” Among other health problems associated with more sugar consumption, there are heart problems, type-2 diabetes, and a higher overall risk of death.

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5 years ago
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