Revolving Doors Are One Of The Coolest Inventions…Here’s Why

You spin me right round, baby…

Back in 1888, there was an inventor by the name of Theophilus Van Kannel. Now, Van Kannel wasn’t a particularly extraordinary man; he was a tinkerer and a gentleman, and that’s all he needed to be. But there was one thing in his life that he absolutely could not stand: awkward social moments. Specifically, he hated when he was coming to a door in a large building while someone else came at the same time. Obviously, these days, this isn’t that big a deal; whoever’s closer opens the door and you both go through. But back then, being a gentleman was almost like a constant contest; you couldn’t let anyone show you up in the manners department, lest you be less of a gentleman. Van Kannel couldn’t stand those brief psychological battles. So what did he do? Invent a new door that didn’t require holding.

Yup, the entire reason the revolving door was invented was because a dude in the 1800s hated a very specific facet of social interaction. Never mind that revolving doors actually help to keep conditioned air and air pressure in a building and save on electricity costs. No sir, it was for that one thing. And it probably would’ve worked for that one thing if not for a fatal flaw: people are too lazy to use anything besides the door they usually use. It’s unfortunate, but hey, kids love revolving doors, so that’s a net positive at least.

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5 years ago
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