This Is Why You Should Ask For A Raise

Asking for a raise can be an extremely daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be. Follow these helpful tips to know when and how you should ask for that raise that you deserve.

If you have an offer from another company. This could be the perfect reason to approach your boss to talk about receiving a raise.

The company is doing exceptionally well. Talk to your boss about your contributions, for example adding something of major value, to the success of the company and how you may qualify for a higher salary.

Your annual review. Many companies have one on one annual reviews on your performance. If you feel that your contributions have been significant, this is the ideal time to talk about getting a raise.

If you are getting a promotion. This should be a no-brainer. A higher position should come with a higher salary. Have this conversation with your boss when talking about promotions.

Ensure that your employer isn’t devaluing your work. If your work isn’t appreciated and you aren’t getting compensated for your work, that is definitely the time to have a serious conversation with your boss.

Be confident! Don’t be afraid to ask for the money that YOU deserve.

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6 years ago
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