This Is What Zuckerberg Thinks It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American programmer, Internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is the chairman, chief executive, and co-founder of the social networking website Facebook as most of you may already know. Facebook, which has spiraled into something bigger then Zuckerberg could have ever imagined, is more then just another site on the internet. Zuckerberg is actually using it to create a platform for entrepreneurship around the world.


To Zuckerberg entrepreneurship is about creating change not just about creating businesses. And the most successful entrepreneurs Zuckerberg has ever met has been those who care deeply about a mission to create change. Often they don’t even start because they are trying to create a company.

Take Zuckerberg for example. When he started he cared deeply about giving everyone a voice and giving people the ability to share everything that they cared about. It started small and within one university and then all of a sudden it’s a platform everyone is using….check out his great story in the video above!

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8 years ago
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