Milestone Moments: Finding A First Job


How to Land Your 1st Job!

Finding a first job can be a bit intimidating for anyone. The professional world is competitive and it can be scary going in for the first time. The good news however is if you remember the basics and stay positive, then there is no stopping you from setting yourself up for success.
Most of us have been there already and if this is your first time then take it from the expert and life coach Laura Baron. She is here to share some tips with you as you or someone you know prepares to land a very first job.

Tip #1: Get Experience
milestonemomentsfindafirstjob2 First and foremost is to get experience. There is no way to stress this one enough because when you go out into the real world most companies are wondering what you have been doing all four years (or more) of college. This is a perfect opportunity, if you are still in college, to rack in those internships. Make sure every year you do at least one in the field you would like to pursue after graduation. You can even think outside the box to get experience, like shadowing a family member, friend, or even a professor. If you ask, you may surprise yourself in knowing that people out there really do want to help you.

Tip #2: Establish A Professional Online Presence
milestonemomentsfindafirstjob3 This is another great tip especially when you’re coming out of college. Be sure to clean up those Facebook pages, create a LinkedIn profile, join industry-specific groups, and even consider starting an industry specific blog.

Tip #3: Prepare For Your Interview
milestonemomentsfindafirstjob4 Make sure whenever you are headed to an interview that you plan ahead. Be prepared for the potential questions that they may ask and practice with a friend. Be confident when you communicate to let them know you really are interested in the available position. And last but not least follow up with a personal letter. This is key in letting the person you interviewed with know that you are sincere about the job and that you were grateful that they took the time to meet with you!

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9 years ago