How Much Of Our Money Goes To Waste?

Waste might not be the right word, but we now have the average dollar amount that Americans spend “treating themselves” over the course of a lifetime. But before divulging into that number, we have really define what “treating” yourself means.

According to Eventbrite’s study, most Americans want to splurge on live, luxury, one-time experiences… up to an average of $368 dollars on one of these. Anything else that could fall in the category of splurging are “non-essentials.” The nights we’re too lazy too cook, the piece of home décor that adds no functionality to our home but makes it look pretty… yeah those are the non-essentials we are talking about. Almost $200 dollars a month is down the drain thanks to these bad boys.

So what’s the total amount we spend in lifetime “treating” ourselves. On average, it’s $143,280 over the course of one American’s lifetime. Yeah, we’re talking six figures. But don’t worry, because the desire to spend our disposable income on non-essentials rather than saving it declines as we age. As much as 33% of non-disposable income is wasted by Americans 25 and under.

But on the bright side, this might all be part of a brand new “self-care” movement. People would rather be associated with fulfillment from experiences than material goods, so if the money is going somewhere that makes you happy, maybe it isn’t so bad at all.

Just remember, if you’re trying to save, it’s not an achievement to hit that $143,280 mark, because that might mean you’re self-splurging a little too much.

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6 years ago
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