First Steps When Looking For A Job

Credit: MedReps

It’s not a fun process, but it doesn’t have to be an agonizing one.

If you’re a young recent college graduate, statistics say you’re probably quite keen to find a job right now. Finding the right job for you is an intimidating task if you have the burden of debt on your shoulders, or even if you don’t. However, like most things, breaking the process down into bite-sized pieces is the key to overcoming the barriers to employment. If you’re unemployed or stuck at a crappy job, try brainstorming from the very beginning.

The first step to finding a good job is actually identifying what your goals are. Ask yourself what you want out of your job, or you may find yourself feeling little difference should you get a new job. To start, you can write down a list of goals so that you have a point of reference when you’re deciding where to apply to and what that workplace could do for you. Make sure you write this on paper, though. It’s one thing to daydream, it’s another to visualize what you want in the real, physical world.

Next, you’ll need to get ready with everything you can get that makes you a more attractive candidate for the job you’re going for. Start by updating your resume and getting feedback on it. Get your ego going and think hard about every achievement you have under your belt that could be put forward. These achievements don’t need to be as direct as most people think they need to be, but you should advertise anything that makes you a hard worker, a good community member, a leader, and so forth. Beyond that, collect all of the specific resources and references you need to show off how you could help an employer in the field you’re trying to get into.

These days, searching for a job isn’t like the old days of skimming through a newspaper. Even with the power of the internet, it’s the power of networking, communication, and self-improvement that will get your foot in the door at your dream job.

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5 years ago