Facebook’s Zuckerberg Shift’s Facebook Objectives For 2020

Credit: Reuters

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on Thursday that Facebook is switching its challenges to focus on a few key areas going forward.

For the next while, Facebook will be focusing on decentralized technology, a new private social media platform, and several social issues. Zuckerberg and his company have been under mounting pressure to police content on its platform while adequately protecting users’ private data. Perhaps as result, Facebook will be focusing on data privacy with a new platform. He announced a new platform for younger entrepreneurs will become available during the next decade. The platform is expected to be used by entrepreneurs and scientists, with ambitions for the prevention, management, and even curing of diseases.

When it comes to the balance between policing content and protecting users, Zuckerberg spoke of the challenges the company faces and his expectations from governments. The Facebook CEO stated that he expects governments to come up with clearer regulations for the internet while Facebook focuses on getting its house in order. “Platforms like Facebook have to make tradeoffs on social values we all hold dear – like between free expression and safety, or between privacy and law enforcement, or between creating open systems and locking down data and access,” Zuckerberg explained.

Zuckerberg also remarked on how the internet has both brought people together but also opened a new craving for intimacy. As such, he announced another challenge of social media initiatives to bring smaller communities closer together.

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4 years ago
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