Biometric Screening to be Employed at Sporting Events

Cards can be spoofed, but DNA? Not so much.

Biometric checks are most commonly associated with airports. However, at the Coors Stadium, biometric checks will be put to good use for more than just security. In fact, biometric checks are expected to improve security while improving the customer experience

Most fans want to arrive as close to the pitch as possible, but it can be annoying to find out that everyone else wants to as well. Now, with new updates, fans can get inside faster. Normally it can take 15-20 minutes just to get inside the stadium, and even longer to find your seat and get ready to enjoy the game. With the help of CLEAR biometric checks, like those found at airports, fans can expect to get inside within 5 minutes. Expedited entry will be available to anyone who signs up for the service at the stadium. The expedited entry is free, but it will only be applicable at the stadium where you sign up.

Biometric checks have been put to use in many areas recently. While they were primarily used for airport security, they can also be used for payment authentication, personal authentication, and law enforcement. Biometrics have been put to use in all of these areas, and will continue to be proliferated into applicable businesses going forward.

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5 years ago
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